Author name: JR Haseloff

Bylaws and Platform

The LPTexas Bylaws and Platform are currently under review by the two convention committees. If you have an interest in these issue then you can email each committee with your thoughts. To contact the rules committee you can email and the platform can be reached at

The local party has Bylaws that can be changed at our county convention in March. We have no local platform but people interested in local issue are welcome to contact us. We are always looking for more people to get involved. If you have questions about any of these topics you can reach us at

We will be posting more convention information soon.

Bylaws and Platform Read More »

Monthly Meeting: Tues 1/21 @ 6:30pm

We will hold our regular monthly meeting again at Longhorn Cafe. Please come get your food and the presentation and discussion will begin at 7pm.

Bekah Congdon will be leading the discussion on Libertarianism and Peace. This will be a topical discussion surrounding recent events before we head into the convention process in March. Please come with other question you may have as well. These meetings are a great way to learn about the local party and bring others to ask questions.

Contact us at with any questions.

Monthly Meeting: Tues 1/21 @ 6:30pm Read More »

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