HB1535 – Texas Therapeutic Use Update

Today HB1535 was referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee!

HB1535 would expand the Texas Therapeutic Use Program (TCUP) to people suffering from chronic pain and PTSD and would raise the THC cap from 0.5% (hemp is therapeutically indistinguishable at 0.3%) to a still-low but potentially therapeutic 5%. This would FINALLY make TCUP a genuine medical cannabis access program! Text of the engrossed bill below for reference: capitol.texas.gov/…/billtext/pdf/HB01535E.pdf

The following members of the Senate State Affairs Committee want to hear from you on HB1535. Please email or call the following Senators:
Sen. Bryan Hughes
Sen. Brian Birdwell
Sen. Donna Campbell
Sen. Bob Hall
Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr.
Sen. Jane Nelson
Sen. Beverly Powell
Sen. Charles Schwertner
Sen. Judith Zaffarini

Here is all of their contact information: capitol.texas.gov/Members/Members.aspx?Chamber=S As always, be respectful and brief when calling or writing our elected officials but make sure they know we support HB1535 and are encouraging them to pass this bill favorably out of committee.

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