Want to see this headline here in San Antonio? Local nonprofits and partners are looking to put this on your May ballot here in San Antonio.
Act4SA, a local 501c3 nonprofit is asking for your help to get the following on the ballot.
The San Antonio Justice Charter will amend the City Charter of San Antonio to adopt a justice policy that will reduce unnecessary arrests, mitigate racial bias, and save scarce public resources through a comprehensive set of popular reforms.
“A petition to amend the City Charter of San Antonio to adopt a justice policy that will reduce unnecessary arrests and save scarce public resources through a comprehensive set of reforms, including: ending enforcement of low-level marijuana possession; ending enforcement of abortion crimes; banning chokeholds; banning no-knock warrants; and encouraging citations instead of arrests for low-level nonviolent crimes.”
Eliminate the enforcement of low level marijuana offenses
Ban chokeholds by SAPD in ANY instance forever
Ban the use of dangerous no knock warrants except in extreme dangerous cases (such as hostage situation or exigent life circumstances)- where extensive procedure is laid out for accountability and transparency
Make the use of citations and the diversion program for low level misdemeanors permanent
SAPD officers shall not be responsible for enforcing the statewide law
Oversee the implementation of this policy and make sure future city policy follows with the purpose of this section to reduce unnecessary arrests, promote police accountability, and save scarce city resources- especially those related to public safety
We understand that there are elements of this Charter Amendment that are NOT libertarian. Each person can decide for themselves whether they will support this Charter Amendment and if the marginal increase in liberty around marijuana decriminalization is worth the creation of a “Woke Czar” government position.
Once all the signatures are tallied in January, there is a possibility that the committee will make the determination that this is NOT one single Issue (currently proposed as The Justice Amendment), and instead break this omnibus into 6 separate votes on your ballot.
For this reason, LPBexar will NOT be advocating an official position on this Charter Amendment, but we know our volunteers may want to, not only support it and vote for it, but assist in getting the necessary number of signatures.
HOW TO HELP GET SIGNATURES Want to join fellow activists at a preplanned event? Click here.
Populate this Petition Form with registered City of San Antonio Voters
A one pager that can go on tables and has more detailed information
One quick note: At the bottom of each petition page is a “Statement of Circulator” affidavit. Whoever collects the signatures needs to make sure to sign and date that or else the page will be invalidated by the city clerk!
Signed petitions can be mailed to: ACT 4 SA, 7970 Fredericksburg Rd Suite 101-326, San Antonio TX 78229
Signed petitions can also be dropped off in person at these locations: ACT 4 SA Office- 702 Donaldson Ave Suite #204, San Antonio TX 78201 San Antonio Alliance- 120 Adams St, San Antonio TX 78210
Once complete, email officers@lpbexar.org and let us know how many signatures you turned in!
Business Meeting won’t start until 730pm. Once we gavel in, roll call, and adopt previous minutes, our only Agenda item is “Elect Austen Hoogen to fill a vacancy in LPTexas’ State Libertarian Executive Committee for District 26.”
For those that know Austen, he was previously nominated in October and we will vote to formally elect him.
The newsletter is once a month ONLY and gives details of LPBexar’s operations, candidates, and outreach. If you don’t wish to sign up for our newsletter (http://eepurl.com/ke2UD) our future LPBexar events can be found at any of our social media platforms located here (www.linktree.com/lpbexar).
There will also be a Business Meeting in December (agenda/notice will be forthcoming). In the meantime, if there are bylaws that you wish to be adjusted, please propose those to officers@lpbexar.org and we will add them to the agenda for that Event.
The cooler weather is here! Come join us as we relax on the patio with some of our local candidates ahead of the November election. We’ll also hold a short Business Meeting with the following agenda item, “Meet Austen Hoogen and vote on his nomination to to fill a vacancy in LPTexas’s State Libertarian Executive Committee for District 26.”
Chuy’s, 15639 Interstate 10, San Antonio, TX, 78249
Saturday, September 24th, 5pm Blanco BBQ 13259 Blanco Road San Antonio, TX 78216 | Map Link
You are invited to a fundraising dinner for our Gubernatorial and Railroad Commissioner candidates! Come out and bring a friend to support our Libertarian State Candidates Mark Tippetts for Governor and Jaime Diez for Railroad Commissioner.