Author name: JR Haseloff

Time to Draw the Line: Taking a Stand Against Eminent Domain Abuse

Molon Labe – Come and Take It
Moses Roses Hideout IS our Alamo. If the govt can take his property against his will they can take any of ours.


Moses Roses and Alamo Trust agreed on the process for the final offer, which was to include ‘projected lost income’. RSI, the appraisal company selected calculated this at $5m+.

Now, a whistleblower has alleged that Alamo Trust threatened not to pay RSI if they left it in and directed them to reduce it, something they previously agreed to pay.

End Result? A low-ball offer, which didn’t follow the terms of what Vince and the Alamo Trust had previously agreed to.

Start writing the city attorney Andy Segovia and Deborah Klein. Tell them DO NOT CONDEMN Moses Roses on Monday 5/8, until a call between all parties with appraisal company, RSI and Associates, occurs so we can find out the truth about the appraisal!;

Additionally, contact RSI & Associates here:

As the saying goes, a person’s home is their castle. Add a person’s business to that saying too. What happens when the government wants to take our castle away? Eminent domain is the legal process that allows governments to take private property many times without the just compensation given to the property owner.

It’s time for property owners to draw the line and take a stand against eminent domain abuse. Here are steps you can take to protect your property and your rights. PLEASE DO AS MANY AS YOU CAN in the next 10 days. Time is of the essence!

At the end of the day, we are fighting to ensure that Vince Cantu and his family are fairly represented and treated by the government. If he chooses not to sell, that right should be respected. If the city needs his property badly enough, they should make him an offer that will adequately compensate him for sacrificing his property and his future. 

Actions for San Antonians:

Contact Your San Antonio District Rep:

  • Find your city council representative here Once the map pulls them up, click on their name to get to their website with their contact info.
  • If it is DISTRICT 2 or DISTRICT 5: Tell them THANK YOU for voting against eminent domain
  • If it DISTRICT 1 (the district representing Moses Rose’s Hideout), 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Tell them that you DO NOT SUPPORT eminent domain, and you are UPSET at them for voting to authorize eminent domain. Tell them that you expect them to PROTECT THEIR CONSTITUENTS from the actions of the government. Tell them you want them to walk eminent domain back, and that this issue will affect your vote for their position in the next election.
  • Phone numbers for San Antonio city officers 

Contact Mayor Ron Niremburg:

  • (210) 207-7107 phone
  • (210) 207-4168 fax
  • Tell the mayor that you do not support his use of eminent domain
  • Tell him that you expect him as the mayor to stand up for the citizens of San Antonio and protect them from harmful government actions. It is HIS responsibility to consider the WELFARE of the VOTERS he REPRESENTS against powerful government interests. Tell him that you DEMAND he roll back eminent domain and that the Alamo Plan MUST consider alternate plans that do not rely on Moses Roses

Actions for Texans:

Call your Texas House Representative:

  • Find your representative by inputting your address here.
  • Clicking on their name will lead you to their phone number and a link to their website.
  • Call them and tell them to support TX House Joint Resolution 81 by Rep Mike Schofield (HD132) (HJR 81 would amend TXCON article 1, section 17(b) to prohibit any eminent domain for transfer to a private entity for any reason, removing the development/tax qualification)

Contact Governor Greg Abbott:

  • (512) 463-2000
  • Click HERE to send an email.
  • Tell Governor Abbott to SUPPORT HJR 81 which will PROHIBIT eminent domain to be used to transfer property to a private entity for ANY reason.
  • Tell Governor Abbott to put pressure on the GLO to explore alternate plans that do not require the use of Moses Rose’s Hideout. Not even a reasonable effort has been made at this. 

Call Attorney General Ken Paxton:

  • 512-463-2100
  • Click HERE to send an email.
  • Remind him that sec 2206.001 (b) notes that “A governmental or private entity may not take private property through the use of eminent domain if the taking: … (3) is for economic development purposes, unless the economic development is a secondary purpose resulting from municipal community development or municipal urban renewal activities to eliminate an existing affirmative harm on society from slum or blighted areas under…”
  • The Alamo Trust has made it very clear that, without Moses ​​Roses Hideout, the economics and financials make the project unviable

Contact Lt. Governor Dan Patrick:

  • (512) 463-0001
  • Click HERE to send an email.

Call Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham:

  • 1.800.998.4GLO (4456)
    • Contact them daily HERE to send an email. 
  • “I spend a whole lotta time fighting for the underdog. If there’s a David-side to that David/Goliath fight, I’m always on that David side” –@DrBuckinghamTX, the current Goliath against @MosesRose1836, the David side.
    • “I am currently the president of my corporate ranching entity and believe we must fight against eminent domain.” –@DrBuckinghamTX
  • Our Texas Land Commissioner is the prime executor of this eminent domain action while she grandstands on the spirit of Texas and the Alamo.
  • Dawn Buckingham’s Twitter
  • 1-888-456-3962 is the number for waste and abuse.  This qualifies as both.

Actions for Everyone:

Sign the petition

  • Tell the Governor and attorney general to stop eminent domain abuse at the Alamo. Sign the Petition HERE and share it!

Write to newspapers, Call Television Stations and Radio Shows

  • Voice your concerns with eminent domain. BE the public voice you want to hear.

Write Eminent Domain Legislation to protect citizens:

  • Use the ballot measure process to get local, county, and state legislation that enhances the protections of property owners against eminent domain abuse
  • Require that eminent domain be a measure of last resort
  • Require that eminent domain fully compensate property owners for real property value, unrealized future property value, and loss of economic benefit from the use of the property. Even if the property has only sentimental value, forcing someone to give it up before they are ready requires an incentive.
  • Require all government actions of eminent domain to secure the vote of the people in the next election.

Follow LPBexar

Support Vince Cantu

  • Support Vince Cantu and patron Moses Rose’s Hideout

Spread the Word

  • Reach out to friends/family and ensure that they are aware of the issue, encourage them to do all of the above, stay up to date with the case
  • Share THIS DOCUMENT with them so that they can also take action

Mens COME AND TAKE IT Moses Roses Hideout T-Shirt

Women’s COME AND TAKE IT Moses Roses Hideout T-Shirt

Time to Draw the Line: Taking a Stand Against Eminent Domain Abuse Read More »

LPBexar Launches Candidate Survey to Inform Voters in Upcoming Elections

Press Release: LPBexar Launches Candidate Survey to Inform Voters in Upcoming City Council Elections

San Antonio, TX, February 22nd – The Libertarian Party of Bexar County announced today the launch of a candidate survey that will be shared with all candidates running for one of the 10 City of San Antonio district seats as well as the Hollywood Park city council spot in the upcoming elections. The intent of this survey is to develop a Voter Guide to ensure residents of Bexar County understand the values of these candidates and can make an informed decision when voting.

The survey consists of a set of questions designed to gauge each candidate’s stance on a variety of issues, including taxation, regulation, eminent domain, and individual liberties. All candidates are invited to answer the survey, and their responses will be shared with the public as part of the Voter Guide.

“We believe that every voter has the right to know where their candidates stand on the issues that matter to them,” said JR Haseloff,, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Bexar County. “By launching this survey, we hope to provide voters with a clear and concise resource that they can use to make an informed decision when casting their vote.”

The Libertarian Party of Bexar County is committed to promoting individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government. The organization believes that it is important for voters to understand the values and positions of their candidates, especially in local elections where decisions made by elected officials can have a significant impact on the lives of citizens.

The Libertarian Party of Bexar County encourages all residents of Bexar County to participate in the upcoming elections and make their voices heard.

# # #

For more information on this matter, contact JR Haseloff at

The Survey will cover the following topics:

Section 1 Principles:

  • In your opinion, what are the top three issues currently affecting San Antonio, and if elected, how would you address these?
  • Do you believe that there should be any additional legal limits placed on speech?
  • Do you support restrictions or bans on ownership of specific types of firearms?
  • Eminent Domain has been abused by governments, and their agents, through the seizing of property without just compensation, for reasons other than “public good,” and to shift power further in the favor of the powerful. What would you do, if elected, to improve CoSA policy around the use of eminent domain?
  • Do you support the idea that relationships between consenting adults, regardless of the number of participants, should have no impact on the government’s treatment of individuals in child custody, adoption, or other legal proceedings or government employment practices?
  • What three City of San Antonio programs would you terminate and why?

Section 2 Public Safety:

  • Do you support San Antonio Police Department’s policies that effectively ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants?
  • In 2022, voters in Austin, Denton, Elgin, Harker Heights, Killeen and San Marcos, overwhelmingly approved the decriminalization of possession of less than 4 oz of marijuana. Would you support an ordinance to decriminalize possession of marijuana in San Antonio?
  • Do you support the San Antonio Police Department hiring more officers?
  • Do you support repealing ordinances that create penalties for crimes with no clear victim (i.e., vagrancy, possession of a controlled substance, sodomy, etc.)?
  • Policing in America is a common topic of discussion in U.S. politics today, with much of the discussion focused around local policies. What is your view on the state of policing in America, and what would you seek to accomplish in San Antonio if elected?
  •  In 2020, the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University found civilian oversight of the police in San Antonio to lack access, independence, transparency, budget, staffing, legal standing, or any power to influence policy. What changes would you make to the Complaint and Administrative Review Board (CARB) to achieve effective oversight and increased civilian trust?

Section 3 Local Economy:

  • The sales tax rate in San Antonio is 8.25%, with the city sales tax rate being 1.25%; do you support initiatives that would reduce the sales tax rate in San Antonio?
  • In FY 2023, the property tax rate for San Antonio is 54.161 cents per $100 of taxable value, which has been compounded by the sharp 23% increase in appraised average home value in 2022. Do you support initiatives that would reduce the property tax rate for ALL property owners in San Antonio?
  • Do you support repealing ordinances that create barriers to entry for low-income entrepreneurs (i.e., occupational licensing, permits, etc.)?
  • Do you support a city mandate that requires public places, including private businesses, to post signage with domestic violence resources?
  • The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenging time for state and municipal governments across America. In the event of a pandemic or other similar emergency, how do you think the city should respond? What, if anything, would you like to see done differently next time?
  • The official inflation rate is 7.1%, but actual inflation of food items is closer to 11% and energy is at 13%. What reforms would you recommend to reduce the burden of inflation locally?

Section 4 City Services

  • SA’s Ready to Work program continues to fall behind targets, despite representing a significant increase in the sales tax rate (0.125%). Do you support canceling this program and the tax increase that pays for it?
  • Do you believe CPS Energy is best managed by the City of San Antonio (instead of a private energy provider)?
  • VIA Metropolitan Transit is funded through a 0.500% sales tax increase. Do you believe taxpayers are receiving a good return on investment?
  • At an average cost of over $11,000 per student, Pre-K 4 SA is nearly 25% more than both the national Head Start program and the SA area school district. Do you support program reforms that would significantly reduce the cost of this program?
  • In October 2022, the Federal government started the House America initiative, and San Antonio was one of first cities to take the pledge. If elected, what do you believe should be done to help the homeless population in San Antonio?
  • In many neighborhoods across the city you will find “Mi Barrio No Se Vende” signs. If elected, how will you balance revitalization efforts, attracting investors, and fears of displacement within low-income neighborhoods?

Section 5 Education

  • Do you support a voucher program where a specified amount of educational funding could be applied to a student’s schooling, technology, or transportation expenses, at the educational institution of their choice?
  • Do you support public school districts mandating vaccinations not required by the State of Texas?
  • According to the 2022-2023 Parent Student Handbook, a fifth or eighth grade student must perform well on the STAAR exam to advance to sixth or ninth grade, respectively, in SAISD. Do you believe that satisfactory STAAR testing is an appropriate prerequisite for promotion to the next grade in San Antonio schools?
  • Do you support the Connected In the Classroom initiative, which is currently estimated to cost San Antonio taxpayers $27 million, and provides distance learning capabilities to students living in specific areas of eight K-12 San Antonio area school districts and the Alamo Community College District?
  • Although 95.3% of Texas schools did not permit mock intruders access during the recent 2023 state-wide safety audit, school safety is the top issue for parents according to the annual Charles Butt Foundation’s Texas Education Poll, with 53% of parents perceiving at least a moderate risk to students in their communities. How will you approach the issue of school safety in San Antonio, and what solutions will you bring to the dais?
  • What do you believe the public school’s role is in teaching and interacting with students on controversial topics such as sexual and gender education, historical race relations, gun control, etc.?

LPBexar Launches Candidate Survey to Inform Voters in Upcoming Elections Read More »

LPBexar February Discussion Social: May Elections and Eminent Domain

When and where

Date and time

Fri, February 10, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM CST


Blanco BBQ 13259 Blanco Road San Antonio, TX 78216

Come to Blanco BBQ and run through the line first, then meet us in the Party Room.

We’ll be discussing candidates and activism around the upcoming May elections (deadline to file is Feb17). We’ll also be discussing how to maximize our impact to bring awareness to the recent eminent domain issue at the Alamo.

If you haven’t already, sign up to volunteer and become more active here:

See LPBexar’s press release here:

LPBexar February Discussion Social: May Elections and Eminent Domain Read More »

Press Release: Libertarian Party of Bexar County Condemns Eminent Domain Abuse

Moses Roses Hideout bar owner Vince Cantu

As we all know, eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for public use. However, it is important to remember that this power can also be abused and used to take away the property and livelihoods of individuals for the benefit of private companies or politician’s pet projects.

This is why it is crucial for us, as Libertarians, to speak out against eminent domain and the injustice it can cause. Here in San Antonio, we have seen exactly this occur as the City Council votes to take property away from Vince Cantu and his Moses Roses Hideout bar taken away for the benefit of larger companies and development projects. This is not only morally wrong, but it also goes against the principles of property rights and individual liberty that we hold dear.

We must also remember that eminent domain not only affects property owners, but also the community as a whole. The loss of small businesses and family-owned properties can have a detrimental effect on the fabric of our neighborhoods and the local economy.

That is why we urge all of our members and supporters to get involved and make your voices heard. Attend city council meetings, write letters to the editor, and join protests and rallies against eminent domain. Together, we can make a difference and protect the rights of property owners and the community.

It’s also worth mentioning that eminent domain has always been a controversial topic and many politicians have spoken against it. Some of the quotes that have been made:

  • “Eminent domain is the process of taking property from one private owner without his consent in order to give it to another private owner, who will put the property to a use that is supposed to be more beneficial to the public.” – Ron Paul
  • “The use of eminent domain to transfer property from one private party to another for the latter’s private use, as well as for public use, is illegitimate and must be prohibited.” – Gary Johnson
  • “Eminent domain is a necessary tool for government to acquire land for public use, but it should never be used to benefit private interests. The government should not have the power to take away someone’s home or business for the benefit of a developer or corporation.” – Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian Party Presidential nominee

As you can see, many politicians have spoken out against the abuse of eminent domain. It is important that we continue to raise awareness and push for reform to protect the rights of property owners and the community.

Get involved today by volunteering HERE or Donating HERE.

Press Release: Libertarian Party of Bexar County Condemns Eminent Domain Abuse

San Antonio, TX, January, 26th – The Libertarian Party of Bexar County strongly condemns the abuse of eminent domain powers by the City of San Antonio to take away property and livelihoods of hardworking citizens such as Vince Cantu and his Moses Rose’s Hideout Bar.

Eminent domain, the power of the government to take private property for public use, is a destructive tool that allows politicians to prioritize their personal wishlists and crony projects over the livelihoods and businesses of private citizens. The government’s purpose is to protect the rights of its citizens, not trample them.

Unfortunately, government entities have been known to widely abuse eminent domain powers, taking property from individuals and small business owners without just compensation or for the benefit of private development projects. This overreach of power is not only a violation of property rights, but it also destroys communities and harms the economy.

“This was not a run-of-the-mill eminent domain ‘we’re going to put a pipeline or a road through this property,'” Vince Cantu tells Reason Magazine. “This is property on the grounds of Texas liberty. This is blood-stained soil that we fought against this very thing, this whole idea of a government coming in and taking away your way of life.”

The Libertarian Party of Bexar County believes in protecting the rights of individuals and small business owners. We believe that taking away someone’s property and livelihood is not only morally wrong but is also a violation of the principles of a free society.

We call on City of San Antonio government officials to respect the property rights of their citizens and overturn its use of eminent domain powers. We will continue to fight against eminent domain abuse and to protect the rights of property owners.

We urge citizens to speak up when they see eminent domain abuse happening in their communities, and to support candidates who will fight for property rights and against eminent domain abuse.

# # #
About Us
The Libertarian Party of Bexar County is an Affiliate for the 3rd largest and fastest growing political party in the United States. LPBexar seeks to elect Libertarians and influence legislation that focuses on individual rights, self ownership, and limited government.
For more information on this matter, contact JR Haseloff at

Press Release: Libertarian Party of Bexar County Condemns Eminent Domain Abuse Read More »

Help Bring Marijuana Decriminalization to San Antonio

Want to see this headline here in San Antonio? Local nonprofits and partners are looking to put this on your May ballot here in San Antonio.

Act4SA, a local 501c3 nonprofit is asking for your help to get the following on the ballot.

The San Antonio Justice Charter will amend the City Charter of San Antonio to adopt a justice policy that will reduce unnecessary arrests, mitigate racial bias, and save scarce public resources through a comprehensive set of popular reforms.

“A petition to amend the City Charter of San Antonio to adopt a justice policy that will reduce unnecessary arrests and save scarce public resources through a comprehensive set of reforms, including: ending enforcement of low-level marijuana possession; ending enforcement of abortion crimes; banning chokeholds; banning no-knock warrants; and encouraging citations instead of arrests for low-level nonviolent crimes.”

Download the Petition HERE

What’s on the Ballot?


Eliminate the enforcement of low level marijuana offenses



Ban chokeholds by SAPD in ANY instance forever



Ban the use of dangerous no knock warrants except in extreme dangerous cases (such as hostage situation or exigent life circumstances)- where extensive procedure is laid out for accountability and transparency



Make the use of citations and the diversion program for low level misdemeanors permanent



SAPD officers shall not be responsible for enforcing the statewide law



Oversee the implementation of this policy and make sure future city policy follows with the purpose of this section to reduce unnecessary arrests, promote police accountability, and save scarce city resources- especially those related to public safety

Full policy language HERE.

We understand that there are elements of this Charter Amendment that are NOT libertarian.  Each person can decide for themselves whether they will support this Charter Amendment and if the marginal increase in liberty around marijuana decriminalization is worth the creation of a “Woke Czar” government position.

Once all the signatures are tallied in January, there is a possibility that the committee will make the determination that this is NOT one single Issue (currently proposed as The Justice Amendment), and instead break this omnibus into 6 separate votes on your ballot.

For this reason, LPBexar will NOT be advocating an official position on this Charter Amendment, but we know our volunteers may want to, not only support it and vote for it, but assist in getting the necessary number of signatures.

Want to join fellow activists at a preplanned event? Click here.

Populate this Petition Form with registered City of San Antonio Voters

Copies of the push card in English and Spanish

one pager that can go on tables and has more detailed information

One quick note: At the bottom of each petition page is a “Statement of Circulator” affidavit. Whoever collects the signatures needs to make sure to sign and date that or else the page will be invalidated by the city clerk!

Signed petitions can be mailed to: 
ACT 4 SA, 7970 Fredericksburg Rd Suite 101-326, San Antonio TX 78229

Signed petitions can also be dropped off in person at these locations:
ACT 4 SA Office- 702 Donaldson Ave Suite #204,
San Antonio TX 78201
San Antonio Alliance- 120 Adams St,
San Antonio TX 78210

Once complete, email and let us know how many signatures you turned in!

Help Bring Marijuana Decriminalization to San Antonio Read More »

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